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Dreaming of an Antarctic adventure aboard Bark EUROPA? Now is the time to make it happen! With our once-in-a-lifetime Explorer Deal, you can embark on a journey to the magical white continent at an exclusive rate. Don’t wait—this special offer won’t last long!

Secure your spot today and make your Antarctic dream a reality


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Rounding Cape Horn

By: Jordi Plana Morales

56º 01.6´ S 067º 15.0´ W The time is 12:35h The South Atlantic extends in front of us. Three miles to our port side, Cape...

Rolling our way

By: Jordi Plana Morales

Rolling our way, quickly closing in on the Horn. Variable weather and seabirds. 16:30h. Like every second day, no matter rain, swell, or wind, the usual...
