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A day for the moments

Hello all,

POS: 64*15.5 S 61*22.13 W
COG: variable
SOG: 1 - Drifting

WND: N'ly 2-3

An Easy day

Today we'll start with the Graham Passage
and move onwards for a look at the wreck at Enterprise Island.

We'll play hide and seek with icebergs
and enjoy whatever the world has to offer.

A day for the moments
To listen with your eyes closed
or to talk with your ears closed. (if you already do that normally, then
maybe better open your ears for a change.)

This night we have very few miles to go.
Time to pass while drifting.

It just happened.
The sky was dark.
The Sea was Calm.
Sounds in silence were everywhere.

While scanning the Sea for Growlers and Icebergs.
Suddenly I thought I saw a spout of a whale.
I focussed more
piercing the dark night.
Ears open.
Suddenly another one,
just next to me,
with a loud noise.
A fountain of water.
It was so close.
I got quite a shock.
jumped a meter in the air
As I landed
I could feel the bark Europa trembling of his Laughter as he swam away.

I am finishing this mail and my watch is over.
Mr. Humorous Whale just came back and took his friends with him.
Everywhere around us, you can hear their spouts as alien sounds.
The engines are off.

While the silent night surrounds us
You can hear the Gang of Whales playing.
Laughing and splashing.

The ship Trembles. Laughter in the Sea.

I smile
I appreciate mammals with a good sense of humour and humor


Fair Winds, fair thoughts, fair sailing.

Fosse and Bark Europa Crew

Written by:
Fosse Fortuin | Captain

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