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Last preparations for the upcoming voyage

Last preparations for the upcoming voyage. Welcome on board. First night of our trip alongside Princess Wharf.

Many took a bit of tie to visit New Zealand, others have flown recently, but almost all got a stream of endless travel hours before reaching Auckland to embark the ship.

Some have been aboard the Europa before, for others this will be a new experience, sailing a memorable trip along the South Pacific with the aim of reaching Falkland Islands and attempt of rounding the legendary Horn in a traditional way. Thousands of nautical miles over the open seas are ahead of us.

Today, the Europa lays alongside at the Princess Wharf in Auckland. She has been in the city for the last four days after arriving from her island hopping along the Pacific islands of Polynesia and Melanesia.

During this time, the crew has been working on preparing the ship for her new journey. And ready she was at about 17:00h to welcome her new compliment of Voyage Crew aboard.

On the Ship’s Main Deck we gather and get to introduce each other. Coffee, tea, and sweet treats are served while we all check-in. Once everyone is on board, soon the ship’s bell rings 3 times, signalling for all to gather on the Main Deck.

With all sheltered from the rain under the Main deck awning, Captain Janke gives a welcome speech and the Permanent Crew introduces themselves before dinner is called.

A first meal on board that didn’t meant the end of our day, as not much later we are called for the beginning of a series of talks, hands-on familiarisations and instructions that will keep developing for the next days.

Departure is set for tomorrow about midday. A day that we plan to spend getting familiar with the ship, her rig and start learning the ropes, lines and sails.

Written by:
Jordi Plana Morales | Expedition Leader



Great ropes, lines and sails~

S  |  17-10-2024 16:35 uur

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