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Let the yellow canaries sing

Yesterday, we did some great sailing. But it was not enough, and at some moment we came below the speed of 4 knots. For the moment that is the number below which the yellow canaries get to sing their song.

And sing they did. All through the night, we went on engine, to cross a high pressure area, on the other side of which we hope to get the wind in the sails once more.

This morning, we took a break in our engining, for manta trawling. The wind actually picked up for a bit, so between 8 and 11 we actually sailed. First more than 4 knots, then less, then even less than that. Stunsails were set, but to no avail, we were to go by engine again.

Anyway, there was lots of action for the voyage crew, and in the afternoon, we had a swimstop. the water is getting cooler now, so i doubt if it will still be nice to do in a couple of days, more south from here.

For dinner was boeuf bourgignon, and a delightfull desert that involved custard and berries.

🎥 Amelie Marchand

Written by:
Hans de Lind | Captain

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