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Life as a ships doctor on the Atlantic Ocean

I am prepared for the unexpected thing which can happen, but prevention is the key.

In The Netherlands I am a GP and normally I take care of 2000 patients. On the Bark Europa there are around 55 people on board with an ocean crossing. What am I doing the whole day? Setting sails, climbing aloft, sanding, doing dishes, cleaning toilets, baking cookies… And helping in de galley with chopping onions, prevent them rolling around the galley and knives in our fingers. I help where I can. It’s a good thing then I don’t have anything to do as a doctor.

But when I am working as a doctor I try to prevent getting more people sick, prevent wounds getting infected and prevent people getting too tired to work. I keep my eyes open and talk to people. Normally people come to me with a problem/health issue, now I come to them just for a chat.

The best thing of being a ships doctor on the Atlantic Ocean is that I can work every day in shorts and flipflops…

Written by:
Nelleke Ernsting | Ships doctor



Sounds awesome! You are an amazing woman and a wonderful doctor!

Mariska  |  13-11-2018 19:33 uur

what a great job !

vicki r newton  |  11-11-2018 04:06 uur

What a wonderful job!

Kerstin Bünz Larsson  |  03-11-2018 16:27 uur

What a wonderful life Nelleke, enjoy as you can. Looking forward to see the pictures later.

Sjoerd  |  03-11-2018 08:02 uur

Sounds as a very relaxt "job" at the moment. Is the heartbeat of the ship as it should be😉

Johanneke  |  02-11-2018 11:39 uur


Erica  |  02-11-2018 10:35 uur

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