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Shifting winds


POS:  12'06 N  023'26W
CRS:  215'
SPD:  4,2kts
WND:  NE 3bft
SEA:  Slight
SWL:  NE Low

Rain, a lot of water pouring down out of showers that come over in a tropical wave.
Shifting winds, but not that strong, in fact even 
welcome, so we can make some way.
Later we could do some plastic trawling, all for science. 
Not much visible plastic however. Maybe under the microscope.
Windwise the forecast does not look too good. Very light winds if any. 
Most likely we will hear the caterpillars coming days.
For the first 
time this trip. Hopefully not too long.

Rgds, Arian

Written by:
Arian Poortman | Captain, Bark EUROPA

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