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Good day

Date:   17/07/2024
BT:     2230 UTC-10
POS:    16°29'S 164°29'W
SOG:    6,0 kn
COG:    270°

Well, for a moment I thought that the hachee with potatoes, red cabbage and apple sauce were the only excitement to this day...

The wind was slack, and the speed went down to even further below the 4,3 that we need to make to get to Vava'u in time. So it was time for the yellow canaries to sing and make a bit of speed.

To entertain the troops, we had a bathing stop at afternoon coffee first, and then started the engines, and then..... The wind came.

The swimming was very well received, and voyage crew and permanent crew alike were all there in the water, and even Engineer Ed smiled. Happy happy joy joy.

As I write this, we are underway with royals, but no skysails, outer jib, but no flying jib, and making 6 knots and even in the desired direction.

Great stuff



Written by:
Hans de Lind | Captain

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