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The rolling has stopped

Hi all,

The rolling has stopped. Now we're sailing full speed in an South-Easterly direction on a port beam reach tack. Gaining a bit of height for the predicted north- and easterlies. The most appreciated moment of the day was when the rain finally stopped pouring down and the sun came out a bit later. The difference in weather situations makes you appreciate the smallest rays of sun sometimes. It was a general agreement on board that it was also cold for the first time. More people showed up wearing gloves for sailhandling and helming. But again, when the sun came out it all warmed up a bit. The wetter and colder conditions bring up a new discussion point, which is revealing 55 different preferences on 55 different people. Heating inside the ship.

Till now we hardly did run the heating. We did in the 
aft ship, the colder part, but not yet below. Now with all the wet gear we of course want that to dry. But...then it gets warmer inside the ship. And not everybody likes that. Specially not while sleeping. But...on the other hand, some do really like to sleep warm. And others would love it to be somewhere in the middle. Or warm when starting to sleep, cold while asleep and the warming up when waking up. Or the other way around. There are more variations to these themes. You get the dilemma by now. How to solve this and make everybody as happy as possible? Communicate, discuss different preferences, adjust drying settings, move clothing around, make space for each other, treat each others belongings with care, give a bit and take bit and keep smiling. It is like life on a ship in general I realise after writing this sentence down. A nice conclusion; we sail together and we share everything together. The very good, the good and sometimes the little less good.

But so far the heating / drying program runs smooth. I did not hear complaints and the gear was dry :-)

Groetjes, Janke

Written by:
Janke Kingma | Captain

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