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The tension rises

Hello all,

POS:    15* 41.3 S 138* 12.1 W         
SOG:    6.4
COG:    345
DTG:    356 NM to Hiva Oa: Marquesas
BT:      UTC -8
Water temp: 27.0 Celcius

Super nice sailing all day long. In the evening now some squalls, so a nice exercise in taking away stunsails and skysails.

What very special was is that we saw a moonbow tonight. Only with a bit of moonlight, but still very well visible.

In the mean time, more and more people get killed in the murder game, the tension rises. Let's see who is the last person standing.

📷 Jordi Plana Morales

Written by:
Janke Kingma | Captain

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