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As adults when do you ever give yourself time to:
Dream, stare into space, read, record your thoughts and experiences, 
talk nonsense (a lot), gaze at the endless sky and sea, be childlike 
(even childish), play games, nap several times a day or be awake to 
enjoy the sun and the moon?
The answer is aboard the Europa Cape to Cape!
In our 'real lives' we all become trapped by 'things to do' and 'plans 
to make' but being on this trip means you are completely immersed in the 
moment. Try asking Janke, our captain, for any future weather forecasts 
or plans for a few days ahead of time and you quickly learn that sailing 
is about the now, sailing is about the wind and no matter how 
technically advanced we think we are, nature will be what it will be and 
we cannot control or plan that! How refreshing...…...
What a unique opportunity this has been to be completely in the moment, 
focusing on the now without distractions.
I wonder if we will be able to learn from this when we all return back 
to our normal lives?
How long will it be before we reach for our phones, laptops or list of jobs?
I suspect not too long after arriving in Cape Town, however I hope we 
can continue to live in the moment as much as possible and seize 
opportunities to be a little bored. The now, after all is really the 
only certainty we have.

Written by:
Clair | Voyage crew



Well written, Doubles! Can’t wait to see you. Can you play boule on board?

Tracy Middlebrook  |  29-03-2019 13:37 uur

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