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Update from Abigail

By: Abigail Smyth

In the twilight hours, with the stunsails set, cruising through tropical waters at a leisurely 5 knots, the South Pacific seems t o o good to be true.    This morning, the first whale. It’s...

July 2024

A lucky Rapa Nui girl

By: Tavake

4 years ago we, as Rapa Nui islanders, used to have a direct flight from Rapa Nui to the island of Tahiti that took us in just 5 and a half hours to the southwest corner of the Polynesian triangle where we had a close and open...

June 2024

Raft Rescue

By: Helen

After any given time away from land, the return to it can feel like a burst of activity and commotion. Indeed, the onboard routine that we settle into (the comforting, cyclical nature of “eat, sleep, work, repeat”...

May 2024

Beach cleanup

By: Marretje

On our last day on Easter  Island  we participated in a beach cleanup. When you think of a beach cleanup, you might imagine sandy beaches and sunshine. So did I. However, when we arrived this was not exactly what...

May 2024

Storm surfers

By: Marretje Adriaanse

The weather has not calmed down yet and we have almost gotten used to being wet. When I look out of the window, watching the rain pour down, I am happy to be inside.  Though , when pulling lines and feeling the wind in...

May 2024

The nature of time

By: Marretje Adriaanse

Time is a strange thing on board; days can fly by or pass very slowly. The hour before lunch is the longest hour of the day, where we wait with excitement, wondering what delicious things Shani and Cato will serve us today....

May 2024