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Mid-Voyage Reflections

By: Peter Puskic

We're halfway to Rapa Nui. It has been pleasant sailing, with warm air, blue skies, and even bluer seas. It is my first time aboard the Bark EUROPA and my first time actually sailing. I’ve been to sea before. I am...

May 2024
May 2024
April 2024

First days

By: Marretje Adriaanse

Even though this is not my first trip, I still feel the nerves before embarking. This time I already know some of the crew members sailing with me, but it is always a surprise who is going to be on board. The nerves were...

Sailing into the Pacific

By: Jordi Plana Morales

First trawl and samples for microplastic in the ocean research.     Science isn't just about solving this or that puzzle. It's about understanding how the world works: the whole world from the vastness of...

April 2024