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Rounding Cape Horn

By: Jordi Plana Morales

56º 01.6´ S 067º 15.0´ W The time is 12:35h The South Atlantic extends in front of us. Three miles to our port side, Cape Horn looms among the low clouds and hazy conditions. A look through...

October 2024

The day before arriving at Cape Horn

By: Jordi Plana Morales

12-15 knots of NW wind, now and then a puff up to 18. The seas have abated too. It is nighttime, and we sail at about 6 knots, now less than 200 nm from the Horn. Behind us are a handful of days in rough seas and forceful...

Rolling our way

By: Jordi Plana Morales

Rolling our way, quickly closing in on the Horn. Variable weather and seabirds. 16:30h. Like every second day, no matter rain, swell, or wind, the usual small group interested in having half an hour identifying and counting...

October 2024

A new record

By: Janke Kingma

The wind picked up to 40–45 knots this afternoon. We have now even taken the 't gallants down. We set a new record: 185 miles made good from noon to noon to the Horn. The ship is sailing beautifully, riding off the...

October 2024

Dealing with the big Pacific

By: Jordi Plana Morales

Dealing with the big Pacific It rolls the mid-most waters of the world, the Indian Ocean and Atlantic being but its arms. The same waves wash the moles of the newly built Californian towns, but yesterday planted by the most...

Sailing into the 50º South

By: Jordi Plana Morales

During the golden age of sail, the merchant and trading square riggers running their easting down around the world followed routes that dipped down into the Roaring 40s. There they usually found the prevailing strong...

October 2024

A writer's block at sea

By: Janke Kingma

Hi all, A writer's block at sea. Yes, it sounds weird, but on certain days the flow is just not there. Maybe it was comparable with the weather we had till now in the voyage. The last period the lows coming over were...

A first taste of a bit of rough weather

By: Jordi Plana Morales

Mealtimes became more challenging. Nothing to do with the excellent food cooked in our galley, but it is our first day experiencing heavier weather. Winds up to Force 7 have raised the northerly seas, and the vessel rolls....

September 2024

The rolling has stopped

By: Janke Kingma

Hi all, The rolling has stopped. Now we're sailing full speed in an  South-Easterly direction on a port beam reach tack. Gaining a bit of  height for the predicted north- and easterlies. The most...